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Java EE 7 specification gets unanimous approval


The specification for the next version of Java Enterprise Edition has been approved unanimously, according to a posting on the Java Community Process website.


Oracle submitted the spec for Java EE 7, which will focus on improvements for cloud computing, among other areas.

Twelve of the Executive Committee for Java SE/EE's 13 members voted "yes with no comment." Those members include Google, VMware, Intel, SAP, Hewlett-Packard and Fujitsu, among others.

Only IBM weighed in, saying there's an opportunity to design Java EE 7 "to address market dynamics which are increasingly looking for simpler and more agile technologies and solutions."

"Agility requires dynamic extensibility of the platform, and that extensibility requires modularity be a fundamental underpinning of the platform," it added. "IBM believes this should be based on Java SE 8 modularity providing the foundation for smaller, more agile deployments of Java EE."

Java should embrace cloud standards, according to IBM. "However this must be grounded on existing IT & SOA standards and customer use cases. We need to enable the technology to evolve naturally without locking our customers into early solutions that are likely to require significant change in the future," it stated.

Big Blue also supports licensing models that enable third parties to create independent implementations of Java Specifications "and that do not allow individuals or companies to exercise unnecessary control for proprietary advantage," it added.


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